Google is showing encrypted ads again after its updated financial products and services policy took effect on 3 August.
The multinational giant banned cryptography and advertisements related to the initial offering of coins in June 2018, and the updated policy allows regulated cryptographic entities to market their services once again. The ICOs were left out, however.
Google's cryptographic advertising policy review was first drafted in June and stipulates that “advertisers who offer cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets” targeting US consumers are allowed to advertise their services and products if they meet specific requirements.
The move will provide additional sales for Google's parent company Alphabet, although cryptographic ads are likely to represent just a drop in the ocean of the company's $147 billion in advertising revenue.
Google's strict requirements are designed to eliminate obscure advertising and blatant encryption scams. Advertisers must be registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network as a “monetary services company and in at least one state as a money transmitter, or a federal or state banking entity”.
The company will not allow ICO advertisements, decentralized finance negotiation protocols or the promotion of the purchase, sale or negotiation of cryptocurrencies. Cryptographic celebrity endorsements are also banned, which can help in part with the problems surrounding fake celebrity endorsements.
Google's updated policy also prevents cryptographic ads from targeting sites that host "cryptocurrency trading signals, cryptocurrency investment advice, aggregators or affiliate sites with related content, or broker reviews."
Last month, TikTok announced that encryption-based promotional content was banned as part of a move to prevent all financial services and products from being advertised on the platform.
Redditors on the /Bitcoin subredditr saw the news that Bitcoin (BTC) may once again be promoted by Google as a “bullish” signal for the cryptocurrency, although user u/Brief-Music-5825 stated that Google should “ban fake crypto news too. The amount of fake news creating FUD it's unbelievable."